martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Portrait of Diego

My name’s friend is Diego. He is average height with long hair but he is taller tan me. His hair is black and his eyes are Brown. He usually wears a tracksuit for school and for parties he dresses very casually. He is thin, he is n’tfat. He is slim. He never wears bracelets and sunglasses.

He loves playing football. He plays football too and his favourite football player is Benzema. Hia favourite music is rap and his favourite Singer is Arce. He loves rap! He usually plays videogames.

He is very hardwoorking. He is  lazy, responsable and organized. He isn’t shy, excited and embarrased.He is ambitious, big-headed, honest and loyal.

He hates doing exams and he hates studying too. He likes sleeping, met friends and listening to music in the ninght. And he likes animals! In fact he has got a dog!

                                                                  Iván Picos Freire   4ºESO A    

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